Nancy cares about bettering the lives of our future generation
Whether it is hosting fundraising events at her home to build the local Police Community Youth Center, appearing at events for Boys and Girls Clubs or personally tutoring youth to help raise literacy and moral compass standards, Nancy cares about bettering the lives of our future generation. Some of the beneficiaries of her good works include the American Library Association, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Cal State Northridge’s Teenage Drama Workshop and the Valley Performing Arts Center, The Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Barbara and the West San Fernando Valley & LA region, LA Police Department Police Activities League Supporters (PALS) throughout Los Angeles, Kiwanis and The Way to Happiness International Foundation.
Many of these programs also contain art elements, as Nancy believes firmly that the arts are an integral part of every child’s life and certainly enrich the lives of all communities. She is equally committed to helping those in her hometown in Ohio, where she has established a perpetual scholarship for forensic students to attend Ohio University.
She is highly respected in the non-profit sphere for her unwavering dedication to philanthropy, particularly those causes centered around aiding children and adolescents.

Know More About Drugs Alliance
Nancy founded the Know More About Drugs Alliance (KMAD), a non-profit organization that educates parents about the side effects of prescribed opioids and psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs in a simple, easy-to-understand format.
Through the use of the FDA's Medication Guides (MedGuides), parents gain comprehensive knowledge about pediatric risks and side effects, empowering them to make informed decisions for their children.
The Know More About Drugs Alliance consists of doctors, medical experts and award-winning documentary filmmakers who have extensively researched the effects of prescription drugs on children and teenagers. It also includes families who have tragically lost children due to legally prescribed medications.
Nancy’s artwork was featured on hundreds of billboards and bus stops across the greater Los Angeles area, in order to bring awareness to the campaign. Inspired by the age-old animation technique known as "reverse painting," her artwork draws inspiration from the actual side effects listed in FDA's Medication Guides, as well as media coverage on the prescription drug epidemic, which includes the alarming practice of prescribing powerful psychotropic drugs to infants and toddlers.
To find out more visit KnowMoreAboutDrugs.org.
Co-founder of Happy House
Since its inception in 2004, Nancy has been very proud of her role as the co-founder of Happy House, a non-profit organization dedicated to “Building Better Families”. Through outreach, books and educational programs, the volunteers are currently helping many hundreds of youths in a unique and proven character-building program, called How to Make Good Choices based on The Way to Happiness.
The program is delivered in after-school venues throughout California and is gaining traction in other U.S. areas and abroad. The results have been outstanding so far, prompting the Santa Barbara Boys and Girls Club to bestow their “Shining Star Award” on Nancy, and the Mayor of San Jose to commend Happy House & its San Jose Community United charter group for exemplary public service and benefit to the community.